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Blood Tests / Analysis

Blood Tests

Did all your blood tests come back as ‘Normal’ but you still don’t feel right?

Is there a test you can’t get on insurance that you would like to have done and then get the chance to talk through the results?

Contact us to see how we can help


Blood Test Analysis

Do you have blood test results from your Annual Health Checks at work?  Everything comes back normal every year, nothing to worry about?  Great.  You are probably taking all the right steps to keep your health on track, and getting your annual health check definitely helps you keep on top of whats going on.  But what if you took all those ‘normal’ results from the last 3 or 5 checkups and reviewed the trend.  Maybe things are slowly moving away from the optimal results.   


You have the chance to see the un-told story in your blood test results and take proactive steps now with your lifestyle choices to help make sure you keep your health where you want it to be.


Talk to us about how you can submit your previous blood test results and obtain your trend report and analysis  (charges apply)

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